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Monday, August 9, 2010

July update

It's been a while since I posted, so I thought I would do a little recap of the month of July! We started out the month celebrating the fourth of July out at Lost Pines with the Whites! We had a great time as always, and the kids really loved the pool this year! We spent a lot of time floating around the lazy river and just relaxing. We watched a great fireworks show too! Luke is still not too sure about fireworks. He wanted to stay outside with me, but spent most of the show hiding. He likes to look at the video, but the real thing is still a little loud. Abby is proving to be our fearless child and couldn't get enough of the fireworks! She loved it, and was really excited to see all the colors and enjoy the show! It was a great trip, and we can't wait to go back next year!

One of our favorite places to go when the weather is hot outside is the Austin Children's Museum. Luke and Abby always have a great time checking out the kid friendly exhibits and burning off a little energy! In July we went to the museum with a few of Luke's friends from preschool, and all the kids had a ton of fun! This month they have lots of over sized games on display, and Luke and Abby both enjoyed checking out all the big pieces. And as always, they loved the big play kitchen and the arts and crafts area!

One of Luke's favorite activities this summer has been going to Capital Gymnastics two days a week and running and jumping in their big gym. He has been showing some of his new moves all summer, and at the end of July, his class had a show for all of the parents. Luke was so proud to show me everything that he was learning, and I loved seeing him in action! They started out with all of their stretches, and then moved on to things like the bars, the big trampoline, balance beams, and some tumbling. And of course now gymnastics show would be complete without a trip to the first place position on the podium! Overall it has been a great experience, and we will definitely be back next summer!

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