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Friday, September 24, 2010

Back to school!

We have been back in school for a few weeks now, and we're slowly but surely getting back in to the routine! Luke loves his new classroom and his new teachers. He has spent the first few weeks learning about apples and worms, and also dinosaurs! Last week he painted a paper mache egg and got to see it "hatch" on Thursday to find a baby dinosaur inside! He also managed to teach his teacher a few new dinosaur names that he's learned from some of his books at home!

Abby is going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year, and she is taking a bit longer to warm up to her new class and teachers, but we're making progress! She is usually wiped out by the end of the school day, but she has been happy to see her new little friends, and I think she is going to love it very soon!

Here are a few pictures from the first day of school!

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